Thursday 11 August 2011

''my day today''

Today here at my place around me all sorts happen, and it is also a day full of patience and fortitude because it is the fasting month. I will only write about things that I like only during the day  
Common types is right, every time I break only kte will go to the bazaar ramadhan, so the sorts of things happen kt full of people there and they buy food for breaking.

when the bazaar ramadhan how can I be looking for food to break and also to pre-dawn meal, but at the same time I would think food what should I buy by the budget I've made. to this day my meal break is murtabak and popiah wet and water.

urmm but today what my friends and we worry about is speaking state test made ​​by our lecturers is a matter for me because it tests for our students in uitm and it only occurs in this week alone. but it does make the state more students are roaring

and the anticipated time arrived. tonight is the last night of the last test, I went to a place that carried out the tests and I see other friends who were waiting so I asked if the test is in progress?

my friend who sat waiting for the answer and said the test was not started and lecturer tu no recently to arrive at eight over. are my colleagues and lecturers voice calling out to wait for the first group but they have not arrived Because they sat in the hostel some distance away to college. so I and my group had to start first.

when me and my group in the class to prepare for the test, they feel all nervous, including myself. because we worry it is complicated but it is not difficult as we expect. me and my team can do it even if at first we were nervous.

after the end of the test is, my group and I felt relieved after the tests ended. and the lecturer gave some comments on us and the comment was ok, and we were out of the room and the other group members were waiting their turn and they asked me how it took place is it difficult as expect.

I said it would be easier if every member in the group doing it together. and there is the end of my nervousness after the test ended. This is also the last 20 entry I wrote for my assignment. his hope that it will make the reader like him even though not much and I would end up here do not forget to become my followers ok

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